- KBCHS Dress Code
- Uniform Requirements
- Clothing that is not acceptable
- Purchasing School Uniforms
- Dress Code Modification
- Uniform Passes
KBCHS Dress Code
The decision to have a Uniform Policy and Dress Code for students is the responsibility of the School Board, in consultation with its school community, that is: staff, parents and students. We want students to be proud of our school and to identify with it, by wearing our designated uniform. Wearing our school attire also makes it easier for staff to identify any intruders into the school, therefore there is also a safety aspect to consider.
Note: The School Board ratified the updated uniform policy on November 21, 2024.
The Kalgoorlie Boulder Community High School Board has established a dress code for all students attending the school. The KBCHS dress code requires students to wear specific attire bearing the school logo, supplemented by generic items that must fit stated standards. This requirement extends to specialised attire for learning contexts, such as Personal Protective Equipment in the workshops/Kitchen areas.
Our Dress Code:
- Ensures the safety of students through easy identification.
- Promotes a positive school image.
- Engenders a sense of school pride.
- Encourages equity amongst students; and,
Prepares students for the workplace, where conformity to dress and safety codes is expected.
Uniform Requirements
Our uniform supplier is LOWES Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie
- KBCHS Polo Shirt
- KBCHS Jacket with logo
- KBCHS Hoodie
- Shorts/Pants must be navy blue or black.
- We encourage students to wear a hat outdoors; hats are not to be worn indoors.
Personal Presentation
Uniform items are to be neat, clean, and respectful.
All students must wear closed footwear. For safety reasons, students who are not wearing closed footwear cannot participate in practical classes. Thongs, open-toed shoes, and sandals are not permitted under any circumstances.
Clothing that is not acceptable
- Leggings and bike shorts
- Denim
- Fashion or cult wear
- Shorts/pants bearing logos
- Excessive jewellery or makeup
- Thongs, crocs, slippers, sandals, ugg boots
- The Uniform Policy and Dress Code at Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School always applies - to all students from Year 7 to Year 10 -when students are required to wear the school uniform before, during and after school.
Purchasing School Uniforms
Uniforms may be purchased from Lowes, 255 Hannan St, Kalgoorlie, WA 6430 Ph (08) 6116 8516. Lowes is open 9:00 am-5:30 pm Monday -Friday and 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday.
Dress Code Modification
Students who for health or religious reasons may need to modify the school dress code are required to make an appointment with their Year Coordinator. Staff will be informed of any student granted a modification to the dress code.
Uniform Passes
It is a requirement that students are always in full KBCHS uniform. If a student is out of uniform, they are required to report to Student Services with a note from their parent/caregiver with a reasonable explanation. The student will then be issued with a Uniform Pass. If the student does not have a note, a parent phone call will be made to request student’s uniform be brought to the school. If this is not possible, the student may be provided with a spare uniform from the office or a Uniform Pass. Ongoing violations will be managed by the Student Services team. A consistent and vigilant approach from all staff will assist in dealing with students out of uniform.