Educational Transition
Year 7 Transition
KBCHS has always prioritised the smooth transition of students from primary school to the secondary environment. Understanding the successful transition involves all stake-holders working together to ensure every students individual needs are considered. The transition process is aimed at helping students and families to feel comfortable. Our comprehensive transition process includes the following:
- A dedicated staff member coordinating the transition process
- Regular communication with all primary schools starting early in the year prior to commencement
- Early identification of students possibly at educational risk and the creation of individual transition plans for each student
- Parent information evenings
- School Tours
- Year 6 orientation days at the end of term 4
Year 11 Transition
Just as KBCHS prioritises the supportive transition of year 6 to year 7 we are equally as dedicated to transitioning our year 10 students to successful educational pathways. One of our main collaborations is with Eastern Goldfields college who regularly visit KBCHS throughout the year prior to their commencement to provide information and support for the variety of educational pathways available.
The transition process includes the following:
- A dedicated transition coordinator regularly communicates with the Deputy Principal and Principal at Eastern Goldfields College
- Eastern Goldfields staff present information sessions throughout the year to students on the available pathways
- KBCHS Year 10 teachers academically prepare students for their pathways and for successful completion of OLNA (SCSA requirement for graduation)